Blast you, Thomas Mann!

So I just read Thomas Mann’s classic Der Tod in Venedig [Death in Venice] and guess what? Now I have an incredible urge to go to Venice. Actually, we’re sort of planning a short trip to Venice to see the Biennale, anyway, but unfortunately our plans are for sometime inĀ autumn. Blast! [Throws himself on floorContinue reading “Blast you, Thomas Mann!”

In search of Leonardo’s Judas

Here’s yet another post triggered by a book I’m reading: A friend of mine recently insisted suggested that I should read Der Judas des Leonardo [Leonardo’s Judas] by Leo Perutz (1882-1957), an Austrian novelist whom I had completely missed out on so far. Like Franz Kafka, Perutz was born in Prague to German speaking parentsContinue reading “In search of Leonardo’s Judas”

Going to the Country

At the moment, when I’m not busy reading nerdy academic stuff about medieval art, I’m reading Bill C. Malone’s “Don’t Get above Your Raisin’. Country Music and the Southern Working Class“. In this excellent book, Malone – professor emeritus of history at Tulane University and, without doubt, the leading authority on country music’s historical andContinue reading “Going to the Country”

Sculpture, sculpture on the wall…

Those of you who have been following this blog through the last month or so won’t be surprised to hear that among my recent reading there was The Folklore of Discworld, written by Terry Pratchett and folklorist Jacqueline Simpson. It’s a sort of compendium of the innumerable folk and fairy tales that, over the years,Continue reading “Sculpture, sculpture on the wall…”

Lady Agna

Here’s something I’ve been wanting to post for quite a while now: It’s about this book I read a few months ago, Frau Agna [Lady Agna] by Heinz Tovote (1864-1946), published way back in 1901… Based in Berlin, Tovote was one of Germany’s most popular writers around 1900, and a benign view would be toContinue reading “Lady Agna”

Lit Knit: An Introduction

When [m] recently dug up her long forgotten Sleeping Beauty scarf, finished in January 2008, she mentioned something interesting to me: It was leftover yarn from this very project that I had used for my own first piece of knitting. And I’m not talking about my first finished garment here, but literally about my firstContinue reading “Lit Knit: An Introduction”

Books! Books! Books!

This weekend, Vienna is the stage of the BUCH WIEN 10, the annual book fair where regional as well as international publishers present themselves, their authors and their books to the interested public. There are booths and stands displaying new books, and a broad ranging programme of live book readings, workshops and activities for childrenContinue reading “Books! Books! Books!”