Lit Knit 1: Discworld novels by Terry Pratchett

So, here’s the first post in our Lit Knit series… In order to give some coherence to the entries in this series, they will follow a fixed pattern: First, there will be some basic information about the author, especially about her/his background. This may seem tedious, but if we want to examine how knitting isContinue reading “Lit Knit 1: Discworld novels by Terry Pratchett”

Lit Knit: An Introduction

When [m] recently dug up her long forgotten Sleeping Beauty scarf, finished in January 2008, she mentioned something interesting to me: It was leftover yarn from this very project that I had used for my own first piece of knitting. And I’m not talking about my first finished garment here, but literally about my firstContinue reading “Lit Knit: An Introduction”

Knit, drink and be merry

Last week for [m] and me was both busy and unremarkable so we neither had the time nor felt the urge to blog. Things changed, however, once the weekend was in sight, and Friday night saw us headed for the Café Rüdigerhof… …one of those old traditional Viennese coffeehouses. The Rüdigerhof is a fine art-nouveauContinue reading “Knit, drink and be merry”