Springhill Gardens Saturday

The view from my writing desk is stunning this morning, with all the trees in full bloom, and the sun shining in a glorious blue sky. This will hopefully make for a productive day of PhD writing, interrupted by a stroll through the park and a nice brunch with [c], to make the most ofContinue reading “Springhill Gardens Saturday”

Summer Relaxation [and Some Knitting]

Over the last months, I have spent quite some time on the peaceful island which is the garden of my South London home, trying to squeeze yet another PhD chapter out of my confused and tired brain. Writing was [and is] particularly difficult this time, which I guess has to do with the fact that the project isContinue reading “Summer Relaxation [and Some Knitting]”

Colours [in search of an artist]

Yesterday, at my parents’ house, I stumbled upon this old box of wax crayons: It had been given to me some fifteen, maybe even twenty years ago by H., a long since deceased friend of the family who for many years was kind of like a grandfather to me. Before that, the crayons used toContinue reading “Colours [in search of an artist]”

So you never heard of Margaret Lovecraft?

Our blog has been up and running for almost a month now, and this feels like a good occasion (read: excuse) for some self reflection on how we’re faring so far. Don’t worry, I won’t be boring you with blog stats, view counts or anything else involving numbers. Luckily, there is this new website whichContinue reading “So you never heard of Margaret Lovecraft?”